• The Link (https://youtu.be/RiIDyDU5iwg) of the Video Message of the Hon'ble Chief Justice of India regarding Special Lok Adalat, 2024
  • List of Cases Received from the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India identified for the Special Lok Adalat is in "News & Events" Section.
  • Daily Lok Adalat is being organized in three days (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) in the ADR Building of Uttarakhand SLSA
  • Lok Adalat is being organized by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India from 29th July, 2024 to 03rd August, 2024 in the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
  • The Link for NALSA: Legal Services App (For Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nalsa.lsmsapp & for iOS : https://apps.apple.com/in/app/nalsa-legal-services/id1592802734
  • Legal Aid Information System (LAIS) to provide free online legal aid has been inaugurated by Hon’ble Dr. Justice D. Y. Chandrachud, Hon’ble Justice, Supreme Court of India, on 06-03-2020.[http://uklegalaidservices.uk.gov.in]

Uttarakhand State Legal Services Authority (UKSLSA) - Contact


For any legal assistance, you may write or contact to the following concerned:- 

01 Member Secretary

Uttarakhand State Legal Services Authority

ADR Centre,High Court Compound, Nainital 

Office: 05942-236762, 236552 Fax: 05942-236552

Toll Free: 1 8 0 0 1 8 0 4 0 0 0

E-Mail Address:-  slsa-uk@nic.in   & ukslsanainital@gmail.com

02 Officer on Special Duty

Uttarakhand State Legal Services Authority

ADR Centre,High Court Compound, Nainital

Office:05942-236514, 236552, Fax:05942-236552

E-Mail Address:- slsa-uk@nic.in   &  ukslsanainital@gmail.com

Source :UTTARAKHAND STATE LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY (SLSA) Highcourt Compound - Nainital, Last Updated on 27-07-2024